Wednesday, July 21, 2004

the future of music distribution

4 years ago i sat at the Grand Havana Room surrounded by some of the elite minds of the music industry. As we discussed the possibilities of new revenue models utilizing the full distribution strength of the internet it became quite apparent that the music industry as it existed at that moment was doomed. As the top thinkers thought i humbly offered "make the sponsors pay". Laughter filled the room as the mere suggestion at the time seemed more like comical relief for a room full of future pink slip recipients. Well my think tank buddies left that meeting filled with a sense of relief when they had all concluded that they alone knew what the future of music would be and the mere mortals would soon come to realize their greatness.
Here's the rub... it was at that very moment that it occurred to me that the future of music was back in the hands of the creative thinkers. The writers, producers and artist. No longer would the potential of the music be at the mercy of the music elite. No, it would be the creative thinker that would reign supreme.
The next 3 years i would spend trying to out smart the bean counters and learned more ways to utilize the internet for content distribution then i could have ever imagined possible at that cigar smoke filled meeting. If only the great thinkers still had their jobs...


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